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Little Things…

  • This past weekend, Olivia woke up in the middle of the night, crying. I ran into her room, asked her what was wrong, and she couldn’t tell me, so I prodded “Did you have a bad dream?” “Uh huh!” she sobbed. “Well, tell me what happened??” “I dreamed….I dreamed….The Easter Bunny came to our house and left spiders in the yard!” Intense sobbing ensued. I soothed her back to sleep, promising her that would NEVER happen and told her of all the fun treats the Easter Bunny would leave. Luckily she didn’t remember the nightmare the next morning.
  • Last night, as I was supervising Sophia in the shower, I told her to make sure to wash her feet and in between her toes. So she proceeded to slowly, and almost ape-like, spread each individual toe and scrub in between each and every one. WithOUT losing her balance. Talent. She’s got it.
  • Olivia decided that she wanted to change her name. Her new name? Ancient Ruins. I wish I could say I was joking, but she’s been going around calling herself Ancient Ruins for three days. Damn Diego.
  • My friend Traci came over to watch the girls so I could go have some diagnostic tests run yesterday afternoon. The baby she cares for, Leah, has a “Sophie the Giraffe” toy. When Sophia saw it she asked Traci: “Why isn’t it named “Olivia the Giraffe”? I’m not sure if Traci had an answer for that, but, to Sophia, it is one of the world’s greatest mysteries. edit: Traci just left a comment to let me know the rest of the conversation. Says Traci: “I told her I didn’t know, but that’s what the box said when we bought it. Her response was EPIC. ‘The box talked to you?’.”
  • Olivia wanted to know why I was going to the doctor. I tried to explain, but she interrupted: “It’s because you want to know why you aren’t eating so much food?” I answered, “Well, kind of.” She went on “Or is it why you aren’t doing your exercises anymore?” I was a little taken aback and said “Well, I can’t do my exercises because it is hard for me to eat enough food without feeling sick and so I don’t have enough energy to exercise.” Olivia pondered that for a moment and said “Hm…Well, if they find out why you can’t eat food then you can get fixed and start your exercises again.” Motivation, Olivia be thy name.
  • Olivia has taken to tying a stick to her jump rope and says it is her dog, whom she proceeds to ‘walk’ all over the yard. On Sunday, she told me she needed a new dog because her stick dog told her he was going to eat her. Yesterday, she was given the opportunity to walk Traci’s dog, Riley around on a leash, which she thoroughly enjoyed, except for the part where she realized  there was a lot more work involved to make a real dog move than a stick.

Ha! I totally get to use “Little Things” as a new “feature” where I just throw a bunch of stuff I really don’t have enough material to devote a full post to, but want to preserve for posterity. Consider yourself warned.

13 comments to Little Things…

  • Kid-isms kill me. I hope you feel better soon, dude. 🙁 Also, Traci’s dog is adorable.


    natalie Reply:

    I love them! I saw and interview with Steve Carell where he said that him & his wife keep a little book so that they can write down all the funny things their kids say. I consider this blog my book. They come up with some crazy stuff.


    Traci Reply:

    We do that with Calen too!!!!


  • You clever lady you. On my blog it’s just called “laziness”. I hope your tests went well and the doctor figures out your pain soon!


    natalie Reply:

    Oh totally laziness, but if my schooling in journalism has taught me nothing, it is that laziness can be repackaged and made appealing. You just need a name for the laziness. You could call yours Bebeh-isms when little Evan starts saying them. You just wait, it will be EPIC.


  • Love it! I might steal your idea…but call it something clever, like Ally-ism’s. 😉


    natalie Reply:

    Totally, steal away, I’m not the first, or the only blogger who does it…come…join the family 😉


  • Traci

    First off, I LOVE LOVE LOVE that my Riley is featured within today’s post! I’m a mommy who’s kvelling, that means beaming with pride, for this not familiar with the term!

    In answer to Sophia’s Sophie The Giraffe question, I told her I didn’t know but that’s what the box said when we bought it. Her response was EPIC. “The box talked to you?”. <3 that kid!!!!


    natalie Reply:

    BWAHAHAHA! I’m totally editing to add that part. That’s classic.


  • Nev

    Hi there,

    found you via Baby Baby Lemon. I am loving your kid-isms. 😀 Adorable. Oh and great idea to use snippets to make one post. Might steal that. 😉



    natalie Reply:

    Yay! Thank you for stopping by! I love new readers, and appreciate you taking the time to leave a comment. Totally steal the kid-isms because I KNOW I’ve seen it somewhere before, I just can’t put my finger on where to give credit where credit is due. Plus? It makes for an easy post. Which is always fantastic! Can’t wait to check your blog out!


  • alana

    I love This post. Perfect memories to file away!!


    natalie Reply:

    I did this a lot on the other site, but I like the idea of calling the “feature” Little Things b/c that is really what they are. They’re a constant source of amusement and I already have started the next “Little Things” installment b/c they say the craziest things!


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